Heroes of the Pacific Wiki

Wildcat stock version

"The Wildcat was the US workhorse in the early stages of the war, Altough outclassed by the Zero in one-in-one combat, the Wildcat armor made it formidable in Numbers". Wildcat Description. Stats Symbols: F means a complete star M means med star and FM-FFM-FFFM-FFFFM, means 1,2,3,4 med stars.

Normal Version Stats:

Speed: M

Agility: FM

Armour: FFM

Guns: F

F4F-4 Version stats: (upgraded status only)

Speed: F

Armour: FFF

Guns: FM

F4FM-2 Version Status: (notice that guns descended one M)

Speed: FM

Agility: FM

Guns: F

The Wildcat F4FM-2 is useful from Pearl Harbor to Midway campaign. Notice that version F4F-4 has better guns than version F4FM-2.
